Biden’s Strange Encounters: Third Time This Week Claims to Speak with Late World Leader

President Joe Biden has once again made false claims about interactions with deceased individuals. On two separate occasions Wednesday, he told a story about speaking with dead former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl at the 2021 G-7 summit in Great Britain. Kohl passed away in 2017, and the exchange Biden described never took place. At a later fundraiser, he repeated the story, still claiming to have met Kohl on January 6th. This latest gaffe comes after a similar mix-up with the dead French President François Mitterrand. These mental lapses have once again raised concerns about Biden’s mental and physical health, with three-quarters of voters expressing worries about his fitness. His aides have attempted to defend these gaffes by suggesting that he meant to refer to current politicians. However, these repeated incidents raise serious questions about whether Biden is fit to serve as President. This issue is compounded by a previous incident in which Biden attempted to acknowledge a congresswoman who had passed away months earlier, further calling his mental acuity into question. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s dismissive response to these concerns only further underscores the need to address them. These incidents, paired with public polling, indicate a deep-seated worry about the state of the President’s mental and physical health, and demand action.