Empowering Education: New York and California Introduce Media Literjson

The surge in anti-Israel protests and online rhetoric has the United States on edge as the intelligence community warns of potential terrorist attacks in response to America’s support of Israel’s conflict with Hamas. A fatal car crash at a border crossing between Canada and New York stirred fears of terrorism, but turned out to be unrelated. Separating fact from fiction is challenging, and some states, like New York and California, are turning to “media literacy” programs in schools to address the issue.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced a $3 million plan to combat online hate speech, including implementing threat assessment and management teams on college campuses. The goal is to identify potential threats and intervene early to prevent harm. However, the criteria for hateful behavior and intervention remain unclear. Additionally, the plan includes creating targeted advertisements to help parents identify if their child is involved in hate speech online.

California also requires media literacy lessons at every grade level, with the goal of teaching students to ask questions about moral obligations and ethical standards regarding what appears on social media networks and digital platforms. However, the exact definition of these obligations and standards is not specified. The focus of media literacy appears to be more about indoctrination into left-wing ideologies and narratives rather than spotting deep fake videos or verifying sources.

The push for media literacy education in schools extends beyond New York and California, with other states considering similar measures. The motivation behind this push seems to stem from a shift in how young adults consume news, with more reliance on social media platforms like TikTok. This shift raises questions about the trust in mainstream news outlets and the rise of independent and citizen journalism. However, rather than addressing these issues, the focus is on implementing media literacy programs to “reprogram” children and align them with state-sponsored narratives.

Overall, the growing emphasis on media literacy in schools appears to be more about controlling information and shaping ideologies rather than fostering critical thinking and independent inquiry. It raises concerns about government intervention in education and the potential impact on free speech and independent thought.