House Oversight Committee Denies Hunter Biden’s Request for Public Testimony: Accused of Playing by His Own Rules

The House Oversight Committee rejected a bid by Hunter Biden to testify before Congress in public, saying that they expect “full cooperation” with their original demand for a private deposition. The panel suggests the President’s son can offer public testimony further down the line. This comes after they issued a subpoena earlier this month for him, the President’s brother James Biden, and former Hunter business associate Rob Walker. Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Biden, suggested that his client would testify publicly in an effort to combat selective leaks and so-called misinformation by the committee. Fox News contributor Emily Compagno suggested that Hunter wants to testify in public in an effort to portray himself as the “victim” of the hearings. Fox News host Sean Hannity also blasted the First Son for what he called an attempt to “dodge a subpoena.” While conservative critics contend that Hunter is trying to dodge a subpoena by demanding he be allowed to testify publicly, the President’s son’s legal team recently filed a motion requesting to subpoena former President Donald Trump for his ongoing criminal gun case. Another member of that panel now believes that refusing to allow Hunter to testify in public shows the House Oversight Committee is afraid of what might come out. House Oversight Committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) thinks Comer’s rejection of the request is “an epic humiliation.”