Jill Biden Condemns Trump’s Attempts to Undermine Joe


Source YouTube: MSNBC, NBC News

Jill Attacks Trump

Daily Mail reported that while speaking at a fundraiser in Houston on Saturday night, Jill responded to Trump publicly opposing a border compromise that is being worked on in the Senate.

“You see what happened today with the border, and now Trump is trying to do everything he can to make Joe look bad, you know, even at the lives — sacrificing lives of so many people just for his own political gain,” she said.

“I know it’s early to start, but I want you to sort of think after you leave tonight that yes, I am committed to a democracy. And yes, I’m going to fight as hard as I can and not let anything like 2016 happen again,” she continued.

Jill Doubles Down

During her Houston appearance, Jill claimed that extremist Republicans want to “tear apart the fabric of our country.”

“I can’t believe that mainstream Republicans really want what the MAGA extremists want, either,” she said, according to The Houston Chronicle.

Jill ended her speech by bringing up the author and historian Heather Cox Richardson’s recent column about Martin Luther King Jr. in which she claimed that America has no heroes left. After telling the donors to think of their heroes, Jill recited a quote from King when he said he would choose to be alive in the present over any other time in history.

“He said, ‘I know that this country is in trouble. I know this nation is sick … Only through the darkness can you see the stars,’” Jill stated.

“We are sort of wading through this darkness, I think, of all the things that are going on with the division in our country,” she concluded. “I think in November, we’re gonna look up. We’re gonna see those stars. And we’re going to know who our heroes are.”

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Jill can attack Trump and Republicans all that she wants to, but it won’t change the fact that her husband is more unpopular than ever. Jill might want to start packing her bags now, because it is looking like she will be moving out of the White House at the end of this year!

An Ivy leaguer, proud conservative millennial, history lover, writer, and lifelong New Englander, James specializes in the intersection of… More about James Conrad