John Schneider, ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Star, Sends Heartfelt ‘Letter to Heaven’ to Thank Fans After Wife’s Passing

The “Dukes Of Hazzard” star John Schneider was devastated back in February of this year when he lost his beloved wife Alicia Allain to breast cancer when she was only 53 years-old. Since then, Schneider has been communicating with Allain through open “Letters To Heaven” that he regularly posts on his Facebook page.

In one of his recent letters to Heaven, Schneider took the time to thank his fans for their support as he continues to mourn his late wife.

Schneider’s Latest ‘Letter To Heaven’

“One of my favorite quotes is ‘Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.’ So true,” Schneider, 63, began in the letter that he shared to Facebook last Friday. “I am honored beyond words at your collective comments here on these ‘Letters to heaven.’ Truly.”

“The truth is I wish I never wrote a one. That I didn’t understand. That I didn’t ‘get it.’ But the real truth is that I do,” Schneider admitted. “I’m sure people tell you, like they do me, all the time what your loved one would want. They mean well. But one thing is for sure…Our [loved] ones absolutely want [us] to take this awful hand we’ve been dealt and play it with all the strength and joy we can muster. More…Actually.”

Schneider went on to talk about how he wants to honor Allain, who he refers to in his letters as “Smile,” with the way that he lives the rest of his life.

“I never wanted this,” Schneider continued. “But it’s what I’ve got and I am going to honor my Smile each and every day by being strong and courageous even when I don’t feel like much of either of those two things. Especially when I don’t.”

Schneider Addresses His Fans

Schneider then addressed the fans that have stuck by him throughout this difficult year, acknowledging that many of them have lost loved ones too.

“If you are reading this then it’s likely people look up to you as well,” he wrote. “They read your words too and they are healing words. I’m writing today to tell you all how proud I am of you. Your loved ones are too.”

“You are ‘Go Do-ing’ in a big way and I know it’s not easy,” he added. “It’s not wanted. But we can’t go back. We must move forward…”

The conclusion of Schneider’s “letter to Heaven” showed just how much the support of his fans has meant to him throughout this year.

“You here on this feed have truly become the ‘Team To Beat’ and I’m proud to be counted among you,” he concluded. “God bless your every step of this unwanted journey. Head up. Move forward. Have no fear…Courage will meet you at the battle line!”

Related: ‘Dukes Of Hazzard’s’ John Schneider Credits His Christian Faith With Getting Him Through His Wife’s Death

Schneider Leans On His Christian Faith

“But I believe because my grandmother instilled it in me with one very brief conversation,” he continued. “I was about 8 years old, and she said, ‘Johnny, one of these days, I’m not going to be here anymore, but don’t worry, I’ll be with Jesus and you will see me again.’”

In July, Schneider opened up to Daily Mail about communicating with Allain through his daily letters to Heaven.

“I did not lose her. I know where she is and one of these days — if I do not screw it up — I will meet her there. It is up to me now,” he said at the time. “She went home in February this year. It’s hard. There is nothing to prepare you for it.”

This has clearly been an extremely difficult year for Schneider. Please join us in saying a prayer for him as he continues to mourn his amazing wife.