Opinion Screenshot: Newsmax X Video Florida Representative Matt Gaetz on the Republican Party’s realignment and its potential impact on future elections in an interview with the Newsmax host Carl Higbie. Gaetz shared his thoughts on the results of the Iowa Caucus, which delivered a resounding victory to former President Donald Trump. He noted that people came out in droves, even through frigid temperatures, to carry Trump to an over 50% showing. The congressman stated that the GOP is becoming the party of blue-collar workers and suggested that white suburban women are no longer the focus because minority workers are turning MAGA. He said, “For every Karen we lose, there’s a Julio and a Jamal ready to sign up for the MAGA movement.” Critics argue that Gaetz’s comment oversimplifies complex issues and could alienate potential voters, with some believing that the Republican Party should focus on appealing to a broad base of voters rather than specific demographic groups. As to Gaetz’s point about minority voters swinging Trump’s way, a recent New York Times poll showed his support from black voters is approaching unheard-of heights. Trump needs to hold onto the “Karen” vote and bring some others into the Republican tent to soundly and decisively defeat Biden.
Matt Gaetz: Trump Doesn’t Need ‘Karen’ Vote, Minorities Joining MAGA Movement