Mayor Michelle Wu Acknowledges Longstanding Tradition of Racist ‘Electeds of Color’ Christmas Party in Boston

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu held a “electeds of color” Christmas party and revealed the existence of an event that specifically excludes whites for several years. The party cover was blown when an aide accidentally sent an invite to white council members. Wu, a progressive Democrat, admitted the mistake, but invitations for white council members were “rescinded” according to the New York Post.

Critics claim that a “electeds of white” party would have led to immediate firings, but being that Wu is a Democrat, an “elected of color” event is acceptable. Wu, a protégée of Senator Elizabeth Warren, responded to the controversy by claiming it was an honest mistake and that the segregated event had been around for over a decade.

In the summer, it was revealed that Wu and her staff had created an “enemies list” of people critical of her, raising questions of using Nixonian tactics. Despite the backlash, Wu holds that there will be other holiday parties that won’t exclude whites. The “electeds of color” party was held at the Francis Parkman House, and another holiday party for “all elected officials” will be held at the same location on a different day.