Schools Embrace BLM ‘Week of Action’ to Challenge Traditional Family Structures and Advocate for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity

The mainstream media dismissed claims that Critical Race Theory was being taught in public schools as the work of conspiracy theorists and extremists, but recent events have revealed the reality. The Black Lives Matter Week of Action in public schools has exposed the fact that CRT principles are being actively promoted by teachers unions nationwide, with a focus on anti-capitalist, racist, and gender ideology principles. This is demonstrated by the demands and principles of the Black Lives Matter at School organization, which includes promotion of transgender affirming and queer affirming, and the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics, among others. There are concerns that upcoming activities during the Week of Action will include anti-Israel and antisemitic content. The organization is not just promoting these ideas, but also providing teacher’s preparation documents and lesson plans that challenge teachers to promote Marxist, racist, and gender-ideological causes to students at an inappropriate age level. This is a troubling trend that aims to indoctrinate children into a particular worldview. Furthermore, the group has openly expressed support for the Palestinian cause, releasing a Pro-Palestinian toolkit for teachers, which is inappropriate given the educational focus and demographics of American public school students. This raises concerns about the true agenda behind these activities and their impact on the education of American children.