Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina Halts 2024 Presidential Bid as a Republican

As Donald Trump still holds a commanding lead in the polls above his other 2024 Republican presidential primary challengers, Senator Tim Scott has decided to put his own campaign on pause.

The South Carolina senator has been behind not only Trump in the polls, but also other 2024 Republican contenders Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

“I think the voters, who are the most remarkable people on the planet, have been really clear that they’re telling me, ‘Not now, Tim,’” Scott said.

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Tim Scott Declines To Endorse

Fox News reports that Scott also refrained from endorsing one of his challengers:

In addition to ending his campaign, the senator emphasized he has no plans to endorse another candidate in the race for the Republican nomination.

“The best way for me to be helpful is to not weigh in,” he said.

Scott also gave a thumbs down to the idea that he could serve as the nominee’s running mate on the Republican Party’s 2024 national ticket.

“Being vice president has never been on my to-do list,” he said.

Scott had been vying with fellow Republicans Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to secure “Never Trump” funding from wealthy Republican donors.

Fox News noted that Scott wasn’t having an easy go at things: “While Scott was more aggressive in the second GOP debate in late September, he had fallen further behind Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former ambassador to the United Nations and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who are battling for second place in the Republican primary polls – though still far behind Trump.

Like the other candidates not named Trump, Scott has struggled to break out into double digits or come anywhere close the 40-50 percent plus Trump has long held.

The GOP primary is Trump’s race to lose, something implied in Scott’s decision to take a break, which is usually what precedes bowing out of the race completely.

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2024 Election

Trump is expected by most observers to become the 2024 Republican presidential nominee, and he is currently ahead of President Joe Biden in the polls.

With the economy being front and center for most American voters, Financial Times reported on Monday that, “Only 14 per cent of American voters believe they are better off financially now than when Joe Biden took office, in the latest sign that the president’s economic record could undermine his re-election prospects.”

The report continued, “A poll found that almost 70 per cent of voters thought Biden’s economic policies had either hurt the US economy or had no impact, including 33 per cent who said they believed the president’s policies had ‘hurt the economy a lot.’ Only 26 per cent said his policies had helped.”

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