The 2024 Contenders: Can Trump Defeat Biden and Haley Can’t?


Noel St. John/Creative Commons

You have probably seen the ads or quips from the Nikki Haley campaign and various PACs all claiming that she performs better against Joe Biden than Donald Trump.

Proponents of that view keep insisting Trump can’t win in the general election but she can – just ask Democrat strategist Scott Tranter.

According to a brand new poll, the exact opposite is true: Trump can beat Biden, Haley cannot.

Trump Has the Biggest Lead On Biden Among Republicans

While common sense might tell you that that is obvious, common sense is severely lacking in America these days.

Former President Donald Trump continues to lead President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also has a narrow edge over the incumbent, but Biden would beat former U.N. Secretary Nikki Haley.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that if the 2024 election was between Biden and Trump, 49% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 41% would vote for Biden.

That’s an eight point lead Trump would have on Biden. The poll also showed that in a Ron DeSantis vs. Biden election, DeSantis would win with a slight edge: 42%-41%.

But Nikki Haley would lose against Biden, with Rasmussen showing the current president having a two point lead, leads 38%-36%.

This is not good news for Haley.

While the Iowa Caucus on January 15th will be the official beginning of the Republican presidential primary season, Trump’s poll averages have only improved and Haley’s numbers have not been as good as supporters might have hoped.

How Republican Voters View Trump, DeSantis and Haley vs. Biden

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard also noted of the poll, “Rasmussen’s survey is of the general election, not the upcoming primaries and caucuses. But it gives an indication of how voters on all sides view Haley’s chances in the fall election.”

What is notable is how Republicans view the three versus Biden. When it’s Trump versus Biden, 79% of Republicans would choose the former president. When it is DeSantis, 68% of Republican voters would pick the governor. But when Republicans were asked who they would pick between Haley and Biden, just 55% chose the former United Nations ambassador. A sizable 24% want “some other candidate.”

That’s a major dip for Nikki Haley.

And it could be a rude awakening for the former South Carolina governor in the weeks to come.

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is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He has been a special guest on Fox News, Sirius XM, appeared as the guest of various popular personalities, and has had a lifelong interest in right-leaning politics.