The beloved television show “Blue Bloods” has been running on CBS since 2010. In preparation for this, the “Blue Bloods” star Donnie Wahlberg is opening up about the strong bond that he shares with his co-star Tom Selleck, who has become a father figure to him both on and off the screen.
“Tom Selleck, I call him Dad,” Wahlberg, 54, told Fox News. “At first he was kind of a little thrown by it for the first season or two, he’d be like, ‘Oh, hey, Donnie.’ Now it’s like, we’ve gotten so close.”
“He’s literally like, ‘Oh, hey, son, how are you doing today?’” he continued. “It’s like we’ve just become a real family, and it’s going to be a lot to not be with [them] anymore, but I’m sure we’ll stay connected after the cameras aren’t rolling.”
Wahlberg also said that the rest of the “Blue Bloods” cast has become “a real family” after filming together for fourteen years.
“The cast and the crew – there’s something about coming to work every day in New York with this crew that we have, many of whom have been here for the entire 14 years,” Wahlberg said. “They’re just incredible to work with. The cast is phenomenal. They’re like a real family.”
Last month, Selleck opened up about how difficult it is for him to see “Blue Bloods” come to an end.
“CBS will find an awful lot of people aren’t ready to say goodbye to it,” the 79 year-old star told TV Insider. “The show’s more popular than ever, and I think [numbers] will increase with the interest this year. We’re certainly not out of ideas.”
“Blue Bloods” is set to air the first 10 episodes of its 14th and final season starting tonight. The last eight episodes of the series are expected to air in the fall.