Ukraine Corruption ‘Tip of the Iceberg’ As $40 Million Taken From War Effort Funds
Corrupt officials in Ukraine have been caught stealing a huge amount of $40 million for Ukraine’s war efforts against Russia, which sparked outrage and raised concerns about government integrity. The money was meant to be used to purchase 100,000 mortar shells as a part of Ukraine’s defense against Russia. Employees from a Ukrainian arms firm are accused of conspiring with defense ministry officials to embezzle the money. According to the Associated Press, the investigation comes as Kyiv attempts to clamp down on corruption in a bid to speed up its membership in the European Union and NATO.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald suggests this is just a small example of much larger corruption and theft of taxpayer money sent from the United States to Ukraine, tweets of warning about the full extent of the corruption. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) questioned whether the report of corruption in Ukraine was an isolated incident or just the “tip of the iceberg.” An advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned back in October that “people are stealing like there’s no tomorrow.” The news of the embezzlement of such a large sum of money has not only weakened Ukraine’s ability to defend itself but also undermined the trust of the American people.
It is crucial that those who have abused their power and betrayed the trust of the people be held accountable for their actions. reports that the money had been meant for the purchase of 100,000 mortar shells to help in Ukraine’s defense against Russia. Five people have been arrested, with one detained while trying to leave the country.
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