Will Ferrell: Women should take charge, men not doing so good

Headline: Actor Will Ferrell Tells Hollywood Elites That it’s Time For Women To Run the Planet!

Last weekend, the comedic actor Will Ferrell of “Saturday Night Live” and Anchorman fame gave the opening remarks at the Women in Entertainment Gala, which was hosted at the Beverly Hills Hotel by The Hollywood Reporter. During his speech, Ferrell wasted no time in pandering to the far left by saying that it is “time for women to run the planet” while also shaming men for their leadership skills.

Will Ferrell Wants ‘Women To Run The Planet’
“This is such a wonderful event where we honor and support and continue to fight for women in all facets of the entertainment world,” began Ferrell, 56. “Forget about the entertainment world. Isn’t it just time for women to run the planet?”
The crowd of Hollywood elites attending the event immediately broke out into rapturous applause in response.
“I mean, I’m not just trying to placate you, I swear,” Ferrell continued. “But I don’t know what else to do because we men we’ve been running the show since, what, 10,000 B.C.; something like that? And we’re not doing so good. So please, can you guys just take over, can you? I think it’s time. Sorry, I’m getting sidetracked.”
Ferrell Begs Kerry Washington To Run For President
Later in the speech, Ferrell begged the former “Scandal” star Kerry Washington, who received the Equity in Entertainment Award at the gala, to run for president.
“Kerry, you’ve always been amazing in everything you’ve ever done and an incredible advocate for so many different things,” he said. “Can you just run for president? Please? We’ll pay you. We’ll do a GoFundMe right in this room and we’ll launch you.”
It should be noted that Washington is an actress who has no political experience whatsoever in the real world.

Washington Accepts Equity Award
Later in the night, when it came time for Washington to accept her award, she also wasted no time in pandering to the far-left by seemingly trying to check off as many boxes as she could during her speech.
“The battle for equity is going to require that we step into the center of our lives and and of our stories,” she began.
“That as women, as people of color, as members of the LGBTQ+ community, as people with differently abled bodies from marginalized religions, that we then also be willing to uplift others and to be supporting characters in their stories so that they can be the lead characters in their own lives too,” she added.
Washington then claimed that equality should not be preferred over “justice,” which she described as “leveling the ground and ripping the f**king fence down!”
“Justice is about dismantling the systems that prevent us from getting to the other side of our greatness!” she exclaimed.
This all just goes to show how out of touch with reality the liberal elites of Hollywood really are. Millions of Americans are struggling just to put food on the table right now in President Joe Biden’s America, yet the elites of Hollywood continue to obsess over gender, race, and countless other far-left talking points.
In the end, Ferrell and Washington may think they accomplished something with their speeches, but they were really just preaching to the choir in their leftwing echo chamber filled with Hollywood elites. The rest of us have better things to do than be lectured to by the likes of a group of people who are drastically overpaid for playing pretend for a living.