PA Democrat Rep Kevin Boyle in Controversial Video: ‘Do You Know Who I Am?’


Screenshots: Philly Crime Update

Pennsylvania State Rep. Kevin Boyle (D) was caught on video appearing to be heavily intoxicated and engaging in a verbal altercation with patrons and staff at a bar in Montgomery County.

Boyle was reportedly thrown out of Gaul & Co. Malt House in Rockledge, Pennsylvania, but not before literally playing the “do you know who I am” card with employees late last week.

“I can f***ing end this bar by the way, I’d f***ing end this bar if I wanted to,” the Democrat can be heard shouting. “You’re all f***ing a**holes by the way.”

The Democrat wasn’t nearly done, however, as he can be heard making further threats and calling staff members “idiots,” “traitors,” and “morons.”

Boyle also accused the bartenders of being military agents and suggested that he could stop them from getting promotions in the armed forces.

“This is so aggressive, you can’t talk to me like this, I’ll close your f***ing bar!” he shouted on his way out the door. “This bar is done, do you know who the f*** I am?”

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Reports indicate that the bouncer at the bar in question had to call 911 on Boyle when he began threatening to hit female members of their staff.

“Did I pay my bill?” he asked. “I don’t want to be a douchebag, but I don’t want to be an a**hole.”

Congrats – You’re both! And honestly, that would make a really good campaign slogan next go around.

At least he didn’t shame any family members who might have a stake in their public appearance with his antics. Oh wait, he’s actually the brother of United States Representative Brendan Boyle, also a Democrat.

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Democrat Rep. Boyle was instructed by the responding police officer that he is now banned from the bar. Pennsylvania House Democratic Leaders issued a statement on the matter.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox… More about Rusty Weiss