The human trafficking movie Sound Of Freedom which was previously praised by the former President Donald Trump, managed to knock Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour from the top ten domestic box office for 2023 despite not having the backing of mainstream Hollywood. The Washington Examiner reported that after earning over $184 million in North America, Sound of Freedom took the final spot in the top ten films to earn the most at the domestic box office for 2023.This knocked Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, which only earned just under $180 million, out of the top ten for the year. Despite not having the support of the liberal world of Hollywood, Sound of Freedom became the surprise hit of the summer after it was released on July 4 of last year. Produer Eduardo Verastegui previously told Fox News that it took him over eight years to get this movie made, and that he put his own life on hold during that time to make it happen. Despite previous Democrat efforts to suppress voting, the Texas Senate passed a bill that will bolster voter confidence and make it easier to vote.
“The Sound of Freedom” Ousts Taylor Swift from Top 10 at 2023 Domestic Box Office